Assignment Name:
Pre- Environmental Impact Assessment study of Road Sector improvement project’ under Preparatory Survey on JICA Cooperation Program for Industry Development


Location within Country:


Name of Client:

  • Nippon – Koei Co. Ltd, Japan
  • JICA
  • Completion Date:

    Aug 2012

    Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


    Narrative Description of Project:

    The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Board of Investment (BOI) Pakistan are conducting a program on Improvement of Investment Climate in Karachi. One of the key objectives of the program is to improve three road approaches from Karachi to Port Qasim Area. However, prior to the road improvement work JICA intended to conduct a pre-environment study with the basic objective to identify key environmental and social aspects associated with the improvement works. The pre-EIA study extensively considered all the relevant clauses and sections of national legislations, regulations and guidelines applicable on the road development projects.

    Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

  • Assess existing environmental and socioeconomic conditions at and around the proposed project surroundings.
  • Identify any environmental, social, and cultural sensitivity areas.
  • Identify the likely impacts of the proposed project on the natural and socioeconomic environment.
  • Predict and evaluate impacts quantitatively, wherever possible.
  • Determine the significance of impacts in the light of technical and regulatory concerns.
  • Organize and conduct focus group discussions with different stakeholders, including the local community.
  • Address and understand the issues raised by stakeholders during the discussions.
  • Conduct a socio-economic survey of the area.
  • Propose appropriate mitigation measures to minimize any damaging effects or lasting negative consequences.
  • Propose monitoring measures that can be incorporated into the design of the proposed activities.
  • Identify land acquisition and utilities relocation sites.
  • Identify all legal compliance requirements associated with the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act of 1997.
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