Assignment Name:
Vetting of 55,000MT Bulkhead, Quay Wall & Associated works at Quay No.6 for berthing 350000 DWT vessel – Kuala Lumpur


Location within Country:

Kuala Lumpur

Name of Client:

Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MMHE)

Completion Date:

December 2012

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:

Lead Consultant Engineering and Environment Consultant, Malaysia

Narrative Description of Project:

Project involved design check of 55,000 MT Bulkhead, 1200 MT Bulkhead, Crane Platform of 7000 MT Bulkhead, Quay Wall & associated work. The Quay Wall will berth ships up to 350000 DWT (in ballast condition). A new quay wall comprising 1200 diameter Concrete Bored Piles (CBP) at 1250 c/c was designed. The CBP are tied back with dead man anchor system. A slab of 2500 mm thick spanning over the new quay wall and 800mm diameter bored piles takes the 55000 MT Bulkhead load. The existing quay wall of 1145 mm diameter CBP remains functional as a retaining wall for the soil mass; however, the existing quay wall does not take any gravity load. In addition to loads due to the environment, wave and current, earth pressure, the breasting & mooring forces due to 350,000 dwt vessel(in ballast condition), the 55,000 MT bulkhead, the load due to crane and crawler crane was also considered while analyzing the quay wall structure.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

Design Models were made & analyzed, load were calculated and applied to model and then design was checked and submitted with remarks to EEC (Designer)

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