Environmental Impact Assessment of LNG Terminal, Jetty & Extraction Facility
Assignment Name:
Environmental Impact Assessment of LNG Terminal, Jetty & Extraction Facility
Location within Country:
Port Qasim Area, Karachi
Name of Client:
Pakistan Gasport Ltd
Completion Date:
Aug 2008
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
Narrative Description of Project:
The project is located just North of Qutub Point in Kadiro Creek linking main Port Qasim navigation channel with Korangi Creek. It is specifically designed to accommodate LNG Cargo vessels and re-gasification facility at the point of reception.
An EIA study has considered all the relevant clauses and sections of national legislations, regulations and guidelines related to the project as well as appropriate international guidelines. The recommendations would be given on the basis of project activities.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
Assess the existing/baseline environmental and socioeconomic conditions at and around the project site.
Identify any environmental and social sensitivity areas.
Conduct ambient air quality monitoring.
Identify the likely impacts of the proposed project on the natural and socioeconomic environment.
Conduct a socio-economic survey of the area.
Propose appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures that can be incorporated into the design of the proposed activities to minimize any damaging effects or lasting negative consequences.
Develop a dredged material disposal plan.
Prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) identifying the procedure for the implementation of mitigation measures, monitoring of environmental conditions, and management of solid wastes.
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