Assignment Name:
Future Traffic Demand Forecasting Study for Karachi


Location within Country:


Name of Client:

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Completion Date:

July 2008

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


Narrative Description of Project:

Primary Disciplines:
  • Transportation Planning
  • Traffic Surveys and Planning & Design
  • Mass Transit, BRT/MRT Options Assessment
All human activities produce person trips. These trips can further be classified as reason to travel, made of traveling etc. For a metropolis city like Karachi having population exceeding 15 million in 2008 was generating about 24 million trips every day, management of these trips is utterly necessary. It has been concluded from JICA Person Trip Study that 60% of the total population of the city uses Public Transport for their trips. So, keeping the previous study as a baseline, this study has been carried out to model the results of previous study into a mathematical traffic volume based demand model. Since it is necessary for analyzing, estimating and implementing mitigation policies of strategies in future. Following are the major outcomes of this study.
  • Transportation planning including BRT/MRT options for the largest metropolis of Pakistan.
  • Identification of current traffic flow in both persons and vehicles in Karachi.
  • Prioritize the routes.
  • Making a model to estimate future traffic demand of the city.
  • Suggesting most critical / congested location in future.
  • Suggesting an appropriate project to mitigate the future traffic congestion [mode, timing] with its priority.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

The project was an extension of a study named Person Trips Study Conducted in 2005 – 06 by JICA however Exponent Engineers was consultants to JICA for that study as well. The details of Person Trips Study are included in later projects in the document, however for this study Exponent Engineers were in charge of the all the project activities, however major project activities involved the following:
  • Large scale Transportation planning study
  • Designing Traffic Surveys
  • Execution of Traffic Surveys
  • Data Processing
  • Quality Assurance during all stages of Data Collection & Processing
  • Development of Traffic Models
  • Testing Various Scenarios of Future Traffic Demands
  • Validating Anticipating Travel Demands with options for BRT/MRT development
  • Preparation of Final Reports and Submission to the client

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