Dr. S.M. Shahid Alam
Dr. S.M. Shahid Alam is a Civil Engineer with professional career of more than 35 years. Dr. Alam obtained his Doctorate degree in the vibration and vibration control of Large Civil Engineering Structures from Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. Having experience in research, teaching, design and supervision of Civil engineering projects, he has published several technical papers in international journals of repute. His publications include papers in American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE (cited 23 times), Japan Society of Civil Engineers, JSCE, Computers and Structures, England (cited 15 times) and Adaptive Structures, Holland etc. He has introduced a novel concept in the active vibration control of Civil Engineering structures by introducing an observer in the control algorithm. His research was appreciated by peer researchers and his paper in ASCE considering soil-structure interaction was considered as one of the best papers on this topic.
He founded Exponent Engineering (Pvt.) Limited in 2001 and formally got it registered with all relevant technical and Govt institutions in year 2002. Since then it has transformed into one of the leading consulting engineering firms in the country. He is one of the founding members of Pakistan Academy of Engineers (PAE) and has served PAE as a Vice Chairman for the first two terms and is also the Chairman of Outreach Committee of PAE.
Dr. Alam has specialized in the structural design of buildings, industrial projects, bridges, telecommunication, marine structures and other infrastructure projects including Mass Transit Projects. He has been involved in the design of several concrete and steel structure projects in Pakistan, Singapore, Dubai, Doha, Malaysia, Philippines, Kazakhastan, Kyrgystan etc. In the recent years, he has worked on JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) funded infrastructure projects encompassing bridges, roads, urban railways, transportation engineering, mass transit schemes and on numerous projects feasibility studies.
Dr. Alam is also associated with NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi for the last 28 years. He has offered courses on Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Bridge Engineering and Finite Element Analysis. He has served as a member of Academic Council, NEDUET, Karachi, for 13 years. He has also served as a member of Professor Selection Board of NEDUET, Karachi. Besides, he has supervised many undergraduate research work as an external. He is also a member of Board of Studies of SUFFA University, D.H.A., Karachi.
He has also served as the Executive Member of Association of Consulting Engineers of Pakistan (ACEP) for two terms. He represents ACEP in the selection board of Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) to recommend award of license to structural engineers of various categories.
PEC Engineers Excellence Awards committee awarded him lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution towards engineering profession. The award was bestowed upon him by the President of Pakistan, at Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad, in October 2022.