Traffic Modeling for Alsunut Infrastructure Master Plan Khartoum, Sudan
Assignment Name:
Traffic Modeling for Alsunut Infrastructure Master Plan Khartoum, Sudan
Location within Country:
Name of Client:
Mr. Henry Chelvanayagam, Director
Completion Date:
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
Narrative Description of Project:
Primary Disciplines:
BRT/MRT Planning & Design
Mass Transit, Transportation Planning
ITS System Planning & Design
BRT/MRT Operational Planning
Fleet Size Determination & BRT Bus Selection
Sudan is the largest, and one of the most diverse countries in Africa, home to deserts, mountain ranges and rain forests. Sudan has large areas of cultivatable land, as well as gold and cotton. Its oil reserves are ripe for further exploration. Khartoum is the capital of Sudan having a population of 2.21million.
The Government of Sudan under partnership from private sector has been developing a new 160-acre Central Business District (CBD). The proposed location of this new CBD is near confluence of the two Niles (Blue Nile & White Nile). The place is called ‘Almogran’. The new CBD would have 67 towers having an average storey height of 35 floors for each tower. This state of the art, prime commercial real estate will act as a hub for Eastern Africa’s modern business market.
With this development and shifting of CBD to a new place the entire travel pattern of Khartoum would be changed. This development would affect the entire travel demand pattern. The project developing travel demand forecast models to predict future travel patterns of Khartoum and to suggest the clients the transport infrastructure required in future and making suggestion for introducing various travel management techniques if required in future.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
This project has been under collaboration with EEC, Malaysia however EEC has been involved in infrastructure planning of the project while EE has been providing them all technical assistances in building a traffic model and suggesting future requirements to cater for future travel needs. In this study Exponent Engineers are in charge of the all the project activities, however major project activities involved the following:
Designing Traffic Surveys
Hiring a local consultant (in Khartoum) for carrying traffic surveys
Supervision of All Traffic Surveys
Supervision Data Processing
Quality Assurance during all stages of Data Collection & Processing
Development of Traffic Models
Testing Various Scenarios of Future Traffic Demands
Validating Anticipating Travel Demands
Preparation of Final Reports and Submission to the client
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