Assignment Name:
Upgradation of FOTCO Jetty for berthing vessels upto 100,000 DWT


Location within Country:

Port Qasim, Karachi

Name of Client:

FOTCO (Fauji Oil Terminal & Distribution Co. Ltd.)

Completion Date:

December 2013

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


Narrative Description of Project:

FOTCO Jetty is located at Kadiro Creek at the offshore terminal, Port Qasim. The Jetty structure consists of Loading Platform, two Breasting Dolphins, four Mooring Dolphins and two fender pile structures. All the structures are constructed with steel tubular piles. The Jetty was originally designed to handle oil tankers upto 75,000 DWT. FOTCO desired to evaluate the existing Jetting Structure to berth ships/tankers upto 100,000 DWT.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

Exponent Engineers did:
  • Structural Design of new Breasting Dolphins and another option of utilizing existing breasting dolphins by using Trelleborg SCN-1600 E1.4 fenders
  • Structural Design of New Mooring Dolphins
  • Strength check of existing Mooring Dolphins for breast line forces for 100,000 DWT vessels
  • Strength check of existing Loading Platform for new marine loading arms
The outcome of the study is;
  • Loading platform requires additional bracing in the sub-structure to counteract the increase in the stresses due to increased forces
  • The breasting dolphins can take the additional breasting forces due to 100,000 dwt vessel and hence no requirement of new breasting dolphins
  • Two additional mooring dolphins are required on each side of loading platform

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