Assignment Name:
Consultancy Services for Developing Parking Strategy for Saddar Downtown under KNIP. (Funded by World Bank)


Location within Country:


Name of Client:

PIU Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project (KNIP) and World Bank.

Completion Date:

March 2022

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


Narrative Description of Project:

The Government of Sindh received financing in the form of credit from the International Development Association (IDA) (World Bank) towards the cost of Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project (KNIP). The Project Director, PIU, KNIP, Karachi an implementing agency of the Client, intends to apply a portion of this credit for Developing Parking Strategy in Saddar Downtown Area. Parking is poorly managed in the metropolitan area, causing serious disruptions to vehicular and pedestrian traffic and adverse impacts on quality of life. The objectives of this study are to: (a) collect relevant data in the study area(s) on parking supply, utilization, and stakeholders' perceptions; (b) prepare an options report and identify a series of pilot investment or reforms that could be quickly implemented in parking hot spots; and (c) develop strategies for comprehensive parking management for the KNIP project area in Saddar.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

  • Prepare Comprehensive Parking Management Strategy
    • Suggestions on TDM Measures
    • Review of International Case Study as a Best Practice
    • Assessment of Future Parking Needs; Traffic Studies
    • Identification of Regulatory & Institutional Gaps in Existing Parking Practices
    • Suggesting best Institutional & Legal arrangements for Bridging Existing Gaps
    • Estimation of HR Requirements & Need for Capacity building at Institutional Level
    • Developing M&E Procedures
    • Design Inclusion / Compensation Plans for Existing Parking Vendors
  • Public-Private Partnership Options for Parking Management
    • Assessment of Existing Parking Arrangements
    • Computation of Potential Revenues Forecast;
    • Analyze & Assess Revenue Streams
    • Planning Studies; Review Case Studies to Ascertain Best Practices for Implementing Parking PPPs
    • Consultation with Legal Team on PPP Options; Procurement Services

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