Assignment Name:
Design of Telecommunication Towers for HUAWEI Pakistan.


Location within Country:

Different cities of Pakistan

Name of Client:

Huawei Technologies Pakistan for different telecom companies.

Completion Date:


Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


Narrative Description of Project:

Huawei Pakistan is the largest Telecom Construction Company in Pakistan with more than 70% of share in Pakistan Telecom Industry. Exponent Engineers has signed a frame agreement with Huawei to provide services on RF/TXN/Civil Survey and Civil infrastructure design works. Exponent Engineers has been providing services to Huawei, Pakistan since the year 2005. Apart from designing standard towers for various Telecom operators in Pakistan such as Mobilink, Telenor, Warid, Ufone and CMPak (more than 30,000 such sites have already been erected/executed throughout Pakistan), on the request of Huawei Pakistan, Exponent Engineer (Pvt.) Ltd. has designed slim towers. These towers ranging from 15m to 76 m in height are lighter in weight as compared to standard towers. Being slim, they require lesser foot print resulting in an economical design. These towers were designed in accordance with ANSI/TIA-222-G, Structural Standard for Antenna supporting Structures and Antenna. AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) Specification and ACI (American Concrete Institute) 318-2005 were used for the proportioning and design of steel and concrete members, respectively.

The basic design wind speed for these towers is 175 Kph (3-seconds gust speed). Structural Steel for leg members shall conform to ASTM 242 with FY=50 Ksi. Structural Steel for base plate & stiffeners shall conform to ASTM A242 with FY= 46 Ksi. Rolled, heavy hexagonal nuts and plain hardened washers (all hot dipped galvanized) conforming to ISO Grade 5.8 has been used on this project.

Huawei is using these towers for the Mobilink and CMPak Telecommunication Networks throughout Pakistan.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

The scope of work included analysis and design of the Structure including development of assembly and shop detailed drawings.

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