Development of Master Plan, Infrastructure Planning & Design of Residential & Amenity Buildings for Abraj al Jamia University OIU, Omdurman-Sudan.
Assignment Name:
Development of Master Plan, Infrastructure Planning & Design of Residential & Amenity Buildings for Abraj al Jamia University OIU, Omdurman-Sudan.
Location within Country:
Name of Client:
HAT Multi Business
Completion Date:
December 2018
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
IDG (Pvt.) Limited
Narrative Description of Project:
The project comprises Consultancy Services for Development of Master Plan, Infrastructure Planning & Design and Design of Residential & Amenity Buildings for Abu raj al Jamia University OIU Project located at Omdurman, Sudan.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
Master Planning
Infrastructure Design
Building Design (Residential & Amenity Buildings)
Design Office Support during construction
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