Defense Housing Authority is planning to develop an entirely new city on Super Highway. For this reason an expressway of 40 km is required to connect the existing DHA with the new development. Malir River flows in the same direction and has ample amount of right of way (ROW) to construct an expressway which would benefit not only the above said riders but also to the freight transport. Since, it could travel to super Highway from Qayyumabad without hindering the traffic within city so for this matter FWO (Frontier Works Organization, Pakistan) is interested to develop this project on BOT basis so that they can make it as a good business opportunity for themselves.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
Transportation planning for the whole new Expressway construction
Route Alignment Study
Route Visit / Mapping (using Google Maps)
Traffic demand-based study of various proposed alignments
Study of possible demand enhancement measures & Identification of areas of interchange construction
Recommendations on the most feasible alignment
Traffic Study
Development of OD Matrix from Karachi Transport Improvement Project (KTIP) 2010 HIS Data
Development of Road Network with road capacities
Performing Manual Traffic Volume Count Surveys for Network Calibration in Project Zone of Influence
Topographic Surveys
Network Calibration of Existing Road Network
Developing mathematical models for future traffic growth
Performing traffic assignment for volume estimation on Malir Expressway under different toll scenarios
Estimating potential traffic diversions under various policy options
Concept Design
Finalization of ultimate alignment
Finalizing locations of interchanges
Finalization of demand enhancement measures required for the project
Development of Pavement Design
Determining lane requirements & capacity analysis
Preparing Concept Design
Developing microsimulation model of the entire project along with toll booth simulations for estimating performance parameters like queue lengths, average delays, etc.
Developing Cost Estimates
Developing Financial Model on BOT for the entire project concession period
Reviewing possible environmental issues, their impacts & possible solutions for mitigation
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