Assignment Name:
Mapak Edible Oil Jetty at Port Qasim, Karachi


Location within Country:

Port Qasim, Karachi

Name of Client:

Felda Group (Federal Land Development Authority) - Malaysia

Completion Date:

December 2008

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:

Zeeshan Engineers

Narrative Description of Project:

Felda group of Malaysia and Westbury Group of Pakistan formed a joint venture to develop an edible oil Jetty at Port Qasim Karachi. The proposed Jetty will be able to handle containers up to 35,000 DWT. The Jetty will handle products such as edible oil and molasses. The Jetty consists of Reinforced concrete loading/unloading platform, a pair of breasting dolphins and 4 nos. mooring dolphins. These structures are connected to the shore side by a 110m long RCC trestle. These concrete structures are support on tabular steel piles. Exponent Engineers was responsible for the design and Project Management of the Civil structure of Jetty.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

Exponent Engineer Scope of Services included;
  • Civil & Structure Design
  • Project Management

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