‘Survey for Power Sector’ under Preparatory Survey on JICA Cooperation Program for Industry Development (Investment Climate Improvement in Karachi for Power Sector)
Assignment Name:
‘Survey for Power Sector’ under Preparatory Survey on JICA Cooperation Program for Industry Development (Investment Climate Improvement in Karachi for Power Sector)
Location within Country:
Port Qasim, Karachi
Name of Client:
M/S Nippon – Koei Co. Ltd, Japan (JICA Sponsored)
Completion Date:
Jul. 2012
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
Narrative Description of Project:
Energy is essential both for high and sustainable growth. Pakistan has been facing an unprecedented energy crisis for the past few years due to widening demand and supply gap. Its current energy demand far exceeds its indigenous supplies. Consequently, the country is facing difficulties in providing adequate electric power to its citizens. During the last two years the situation has worsened to an extent which demands an immediate action to overcome the crisis. The power sector is mainly dependent on natural gas and furnace oil for its thermal power generation. Pakistan imports oil amounting to $ 13 billion per annum, which is a huge burden on the economy. The gas fields are also depleting very fast. There is an urgent need to go for import of Liquefied Natural gas (LNG) and LPG as substitute for Natural Gas in the country. Development of local coal mining is also important for improvement of energy sector. JICA is studying the matter of possible venues for investment in power sector in Karachi through an assistance program with Board of Investment.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
The focus of the study was Karachi city with special reference to Port Qasim Industrial Area and Export Processing Zone. Some of the key services provided included:
Collection of detailed data of latest existing power supply facilities including power stations, substations, transmission lines, and distribution lines within area of Karachi and its suburbs
Collection of operation and maintenance record or data of shut-down, frequency and voltage fluctuation available in KESC, NTDC, and independent power producers.
Conducting a GPS survey to record coordinates of planned & existing power stations, substations, route of planned and existing transmission lines and distribution lines.
Questionnaire based survey from bulk electricity consumers of the city (hospitals, industries, etc).
Carry out a survey of tariff system of KESC, NTDC & their power generation cost.
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