Assignment Name:
Transaction Advisory Services for Hyderabad Tando Muhammad Khan Road Project (HTMK)


Location within Country:

Hyderabad, Tando M. Khan. Sindh

Name of Client:

  • Works & Services Department
  • Government of Sindh
  • Completion Date:

    May 2017

    Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


    Narrative Description of Project:

    The existing Hyderabad-Tando Muhammad Khan Road is one of the main arterial roads connecting Southern Sindh historically also known as Larr. It is 30.6 Kms in length and connects many industrial and commercial areas. Government of Sindh intended to dualize and rehabilitate the existing two-lane road connecting Hyderabad and Tando Muhammad Khan. The main objective of this Project was to enhance the road quality, which was, inter alia, the scope of this Project. The project corridor extends 30.6 Km from Hyderabad city to Tando Muhammad Khan city. The project when included a dualized highway consisting of 2 major intersections, 6 bridges (over the irrigation network), 1 Bridge (over railway track), catch-pits (not less than 30 numbers), retaining walls (not less than 320 meters), storm water drain (not less than 2 X 4500 m) and about 50 cross-drainage structures.

    Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

    Preparation of Technical Feasibility of the Project including but not limited to the following:
  • Detailed area reconnaissance
  • Finalization of Alignment
  • Perform drainage studies
  • Performing Detailed Topographic survey
  • Performing condition survey of existing structure, if any
  • Performing traffic surveys and studies
  • Project Design in terms of Typical Cross Section, Typical Culverts, Typical Bridges, Typical and Schematic Designs of Project allied facilities
  • Frame TOR for detailed designing
  • Carryout Geotechnical investigation
  • Geometric design as per the geometric design criteria
  • Carry out Outline Structural Design of Bridge
  • Preliminary Design of the pavement
  • Prepare Preliminary drawings
  • Preparation of Indicative land acquisition and utility/ infrastructures folders
  • Preparation of BOQs & Cost Estimates
  • Financial Viability Assessment
    1. Develop financial model of the Project covering the projected revenues, construction/development and Operations & Maintenance cost estimates over the life of the Project;
    2. Prepare cost estimates for allied facilities and ancillary works based on the schematic designs;
  • PPP Options Analysis
    1. Prepare a viable transaction structure for implementation of the Project;
    2. Value for Money (VfM) analysis based on public sector comparator model;
    3. Identify possible PPP options and their impact on the financial and commercial viability, financial model and transaction structuring;
    4. Identify possible Government support may be required by developer, both financial and other
    5. Identify the project risks and develop risk matrix
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