Assignment Name:
Transition & Conversion of Three-Wheel Rickshaws from Gasoline to Electric Vehicle, in Karachi


Location within Country:


Name of Client:

Government of Sindh

Completion Date:


Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


Narrative Description of Project:

Karachi is the largest city and economic hub of Pakistan. The population of the city is nearing 25 million inhabitants. The city has about 3.5 million 3 Wheel Rickshaws running on gasoline. The government wishes to perform industry transition by converting these into fully electric ones. The project will be implemented under Public Private Partnership (PPP) through an investor(s). Several BRT Projects are under development in Karachi under various funding agencies, one of the aims is to use these converted EV for last mile connectivity of passengers using the BRT Network.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

Assessment of Existing Gasoline 3 Wheel Rickshaws
  • Assessment of Existing 3 Wheel Rickshaw Industry
  • Understanding of Existing Business & Operational Model (Cost, daily income, daily running requirements, popular routes etc.)
  • Understanding of Governmental Framework for Operations
Operational Planning
  • Traffic research
  • Identifying highly used by Rickshaws users
  • Estimating demand & other operational requirements
  • Exploring possibility of using EV Rickshaws as last mile connectivity for BRT Passengers
EV Requirements for Conversion
  • Functional requirements
  • Technical Specifications of EV
  • Assessment of Power Requirements
  • Assessment of motor, battery, spare parts, and repair & maintenance requirements in terms of suitability & availability
  • Identifying sources & cost of import for motors, batteries & other equipment
  • Assessment of Power for Charging Infrastructure requirements. Including possibility of solar charging
Development of Business Model
  • Exploring possibilities for adopting to more lucrative business model
Assistance in Development of Financial Model, Transaction Structure & Review of Legal Framework
  • Providing Requisite Assumptions for Developing a Financial Model
  • Assisting Financial Team in Determining PP Transaction Structure
  • Assisting in identifying changes needed for adopting conversion from gasoline & EV

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