Assignment Name:
Microsimulation Modelling and Transport Analysis Study at Critical Junctions and Mid Blocks for Peshawar BRT Project.


Location within Country:

Peshawar, Pakistan

Name of Client:

TMTD KPK, Peshawar Development Authority (PDA)

Completion Date:

December 2017

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


Narrative Description of Project:

The project provides sustainable urban transport system in Peshawar through delivery of BRT Corridor focusing on accessibility and people mobility. The operational design of Peshawar BRT was built consisting 8 routes, 1 trunk route, 3 direct services and 4 feeder service. The BRT network follows concept of ‘Direct services’, where BRT Service can run on and off corridor connecting main origin & destinations. This route design reduces the necessity of transfer between BRT services and enables passengers to direct access BRT corridor.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:

Following is a brief of the scope of work for the above mentioned project;
  • Capacity Analysis at major junctions using the latest version of software VISSIM along any other software necessary for traffic analysis as per ADB requirements and to assist in the geometric lay-out and dimensioning of the junctions.
  • To carry out both pre-project and post project capacity calculations.
  • Capacity calculations for major junctions shall justify choice of junction type (grade separated, roundabout, signal controlled or priority.
  • To prepare traffic analysis report for mixed traffic complete in all respects as per the ADB requirement for BRT Peshawar.
  • In case of microscopic simulation, many properties of objects and their dynamics shall be represented through the use of, a micro simulation package VISSIM.
  • The simulation modelling will be carried-out, but not limited.

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