Refurbishment of Naval Berths 5-14, Naval Dockyard, Karachi Port
Assignment Name:
Refurbishment of Naval Berths 5-14, Naval Dockyard, Karachi Port
Location within Country:
Name of Client:
Pakistan Navy
Completion Date:
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
Narrative Description of Project:
Pakistan Naval Dockyard awarded contract for design of Berth 514 Located at the west side of Dockyard. Assignment includes carrying out detailed survey & Feasibilty Study report that covers the Scope of Refurbishment of Naval Berth 5-14 for installation of new Sheet piles at a minimum distance away from existing Sheet Piles, Rehabilitation of Quay Crane, Crane Rails & Supporting Structures.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
Exponent Engineer’s scope of work include:
Detailed Survey & Feasibility Report
Detailed Civil & Structure Design as per BS6349 & BS8110
Geo Technical Investigation
Field & Laboratory Test
Risk Analysis
Upgrading of Electrical and Mechanical works
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