Supplemental Study on Resettlement of Karachi Circular Railway (KCR)
Assignment Name:
Supplemental Study on Resettlement of Karachi Circular Railway (KCR)
Location within Country:
Name of Client:
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Karachi Urban Transport Cooperation (KUTC)
Completion Date:
October 2012
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
Narrative Description of Project:
Government of Japan is providing assistance to Pakistan for revitalization of Karachi Circular Railway (KCR). For subsequent planning and design several field reports and feasibilities studies were required to investigate and analyse sustainable planning, design, operation & maintenance parameters of KCR project. Earlier studies had already identified requirement of a large number of involuntary resettlement from the right of way of KCR to other suitable locations in town . JICA had also conducted detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan of the KCR project to mitigate population resettlement issues.
Exponent Engineers were asked to gather supplemental information related with plans for electricity, wastewater management and disposal, and water supply for the proposed resettlement site. We were also expected to evaluate the status of environmental pollution in the resettlement site and Identify funding schemes for O & M of resettlement site and compensations to be made to Peoples Affected By The Project (PAPs).
Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff within the Assignment:
Exponent Engineers were required to:
Analyze and verify the final draft of the resettlement document
Identify feasibility plan for electricity, wastewater disposal, and water supply
Study of the PAPs currently residing in proposed resettlement site and using the land kept for resettlement for income generation purpose
Identify the prevailing environmental conditions of the resettlement site and propose measures for abatement of pollution
Verify the funding schemes O&M of the resettlement
Propose ideal replacement cost and allocation system
Revision of the cost estimate from the previous study of Resettlement Action Plan
The above services were provided through extensive field surveys, analysis of existing data and reports, community consultation to create basis for subsequent infrastructure planning and design.
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